Saturday, October 24, 2009

What's that on your face? MY BLOG!

You know, I haven't talked much about Cleveland sports lately, because, quite frankly, there's been nothing good to talk about.  And reading a full entry about how much I hate Cleveland sports has gotten pretty redundant.  I could talk about how terrible the Indians roster has become, but as you and I both know, that's been done quite a few times recently.  I could talk about how pathetic the Cleveland Browns are, but that's been done since the opening of this blog.  I could talk about how much I hate Eric Mangini's thought process, but I don't need to write about that for you to know exactly how I feel (assuming you're a Cleveland fan--if not, congratulations).  The only thing good about the Cleveland sports scene is that the Cavaliers start up on Tuesday.  Of course I'm excited, but let's be realistic.  As good as the Cavs could be this year, they're still a Cleveland team.  So to expect anything other than a letdown/failure/misery would be ridiculous.  

Do I think the Cavs can win a championship?  Of course I do.  Will they?  Doubt it.  The only way I see them winning it all is if either a.) The Spurs somehow knock off the Lakers in the west or b.) Ron Artest goes nuts and tears the Lakers entire organization apart.  And that's still assuming we get through Boston and/or Orlando in the East.  It's not very likley--mainly because the Cavaliers reside in Cleveland, Ohio.  The city that God undoubtedly hates more than any other city in America.

 Oh, and on the Browns...I still can't wrap my head around why:

A.) We traded Kellen Winslow in the off-season, and Braylon Edwards recently for garbage and trash.

B.) Mr. 2-for-17 for 23 yards and an INT is still starting for us.  Any quarterback that actually puts up a stat-line like that should be immediately banished from professional football for the rest of his life.

C.) Eric Mangini feels it's necessary to fine a player $1,763 for not paying for a $2 bottle of water in a hotel room on a road trip.

D.) Randy Lerner is such a worthless pile of crap and refuses to give a contract extension to the ONLY play-maker the Cleveland Football Browns still have left on the team. (Joshua Cribbs)

E.) I'm still a Browns fan.

You know, I was gonna buy tickets for the Browns/Packers game tomorrow and head down to Cleveland...and then it hit me.  The best part of doing that would undoubtedly be the pre-game parties in the Muni-lot.  That's sad.

I leave you with of the greatest faux-blogs in the history of blogging.  It's a must-read for anyone who has a sense of humor.

The Life and Times of K-Smoove