Tuesday, September 9, 2008

This is the song that never ends....

Remember Lambchop's Play-a-long? Yea, you know you do. That theme song reminds me of the Cleveland Browns season. Every year, it's the same damn thing.

Man, I'm glad we got all that hype in the off-season. Clearly we're contenders, I mean, hell, we only lost by 18 to Dallas. We only gave up almost 500 yards on defense.

Phil Savage is a hell of a GM, but he needs to suck up his pride on this one. Our secondary couldn't slow down two 80-year old women at this rate. He needs to either give up our 2nd next year to get Lito Sheppard, or he needs to just pay Ty Law whatever the hell he's demanding, and get one of them in ASAP! If our secondary stays the way it is, we won't win a single game.

Oh, did I mention it's Steelers Week?

[sarcasm] Couldn't have come at a better time. [/sarcasm]

I'm done. Come Sunday night, I could be on suicide watch...it all depends on how the Buckeyes do against the Trojans, and how the Browns do against Shittsburgh.

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