Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Change of Heart....

During the Cavs game, I was all set to come on here later that day (right now) and rant until the sun came up about everything pertaining to Cleveland sports, my grandparents moving to Cleveland some 50-plus years ago, figuring out a way to chop the entire city of Boston off into the Atlantic and other things.

But, I decided against it. As much as Cleveland sports drive all of us Clevelanders nuts, and as much as we all cursed LeBron to hell/New York/etc. during tonight's game, the fact still remains...not a single one of us has yet to utter the words "I'm done." Not yet, at least. My mom's lived through it her entire life. She was 7 when a Cleveland team last won a title, and I can guarantee you she remembers nothing about it, nor cared at 7. And after the Cavs got wally-wonked tonight by 54, or whatever the outcome was, you know what she said to me? "There's always next year. And if LeBron leaves, so be it. There's always a decade from now. We're past due. It's only a matter of time."

And that's when it hit me. There's no point in throwing tantrums about how much I hate being born to Cleveland-crazed fans. There's no point in cursing out LeBron (which I did more than a few times tonight). This is no different than a girlfriend breaking up with you. Sure, it hurts like hell at first, but you'll get over it. And all of us, as Cleveland fans, will get over another disappointing Cavaliers playoff run sooner or later. And what doesn't kill us will only make us stronger.

Hell, if LeBron leaves, he leaves. As fans, it's completely out of our control. And if he leaves, we'll all feel like we just lost a family member. But over time, it'll hurt less and less. No, the sting won't ever go completely away--just mention Craig Ehlo, John Elway, Earnest Byner, Jose Mesa or the Boston Red Sox--all of us cringe any time they are mentioned...but eventually we'll have something good happen with a Cleveland sports team. And even if it's just for a few brief seconds, we'll all think to ourselves "this is finally our year."

And when that time finally comes, and a Cleveland team finally breaks the Cleveland Curse and wins a professional championship, we're gonna party like hell. We're gonna set the world on fire. It's gonna be the biggest bash in the history of mankind. And we'll all remember it for the rest of our lives--even if it's the only one we ever see.

After all, we're past due. It's only a matter of time.

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